Month: December 2012

  • The League

    This year, we took our FamBam Fantasy Football League a little more seriously, with all 8 of us putting in $20 towards a championship belt, a la The Shiva trophy from The League. It's a pretty legit belt. It's not the fanciest one out there, which go for $1000+, but it's also not the el cheapo plasticy type of belts, it's the in-between. It has 4 blank plates, to engrave the winner's name, so in theory, we'll use this belt for 4 years, then get a new belt.

    There's 8 of us in the league: me, Cliff, Elway, J, Shann, Gabe, & Tj. Here's a pic of the league, minus Gabe cause he was in the Philippines:

    Cliff won it this year. I ended up in 6th place. Don't know why Jaymi's smiling....maybe cause she's the only girl in the league? J's smiling cause he finished last and won the Sacko, but we didn't make one this year. We are soo making one next year. The others suggested this:

    or this:

    but I want to make something like this:

    I'd call it "The Derpy" for the famous My Little Pony character. We'd add the engraving plates on the bottom, and then decorate it with glitter & sparkles and have it spell out "I suck at fantasy football". We'd make the loser hang this up somewhere hella visible in their house. I think this would be more embarrassing than the other two trophies above.

  • Mad Productive Yo

    Always feel good when I actually do something productive with my time, instead of, say, taking a 2+ hour power "nap". Today, I did some Christmas shopping for the childrens, did laundry, made dinner (turkey burger w/cheese & scrambled egg), and baked another small batch of cheese rolls. I'm getting close with the cheese rolls. I bought a mixer (a simple handheld, not the super pro table one), so the cream cheese filling has a better consistency, and I think I figured out how to wrap them without having them come apart while it bakes.

    So I get to sleep early tonight, for once. I hope to keep up the productivity tomorrow by making significant progress with the christmas movie voting app that I'm making on my tablet. Last year, I still had HP's WebOS on there, so the code was kind of easy (well, easier than Anroid). I have since put Android on it, and the programming is completely different, so I'm basically starting from scratch. I'm made some progress already. I have the screens to display the list of cousins, then a grid of images for the movie posters. I'm going to try and make it so that you can click on the movie poster and then chose to play the trailer for the movie. But I should probably get the actual voting part done first. I'll worry about the fancy stuff late.

    For some reason, I like the sound of "mad productive yo" better than "hella productive yo". I usually like using hella, but not in this case. I don't know why, I hella can't explain it. LOL. I just figured it out. Mad = crazy, hella = a lot: interchange the meanings and mad makes way more sense.