Day: July 8, 2013

  • July 4 holiday weekend

    July 4:

    - volunteered to work at the USS Hornet Museum w/ OneBrick

    control tower

    view of SF & the bay from the flight deck


    - manned the inflatable slide & obstacle course

    view from the top


    - F14 Grim Reaper!


    - BBQ @ Auntie Minda’s


    July 5:

    - checked out a couple of houses in Sac

    - put in offer for one

    - Warehouse Cafe w/ Mikey, Tony, Jenny, Edrick, Mark, & Michelle

    - in the cuts!

    - had hella big bottled beer selection

    - giant stuffed polar bear

    - ditzy bartender gave out girl’s bank card to another girl, lol


    July 6:

    - Asiana flight 214 crash landing around noon

    - Jaymi’s grandma had flight at 10pm. delayed by almost 2 hours

    - hella news stations still at airport when we left around 10pm

    - Genki Crepes!