July 19, 2013

  • Durp

    I've been having problems with not getting enough sleep at night and waking up tired. It's mainly due to my after-work naps, which range anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours. I've trying to keep myself busy after work, but then I stay too busy and end up staying up late. I never find that right balance. It's been a struggle.

    Today at work, I was in a meeting and noticed my co-worker sitting next to me kind of getting tired. He then pulled out a 5hr Energy bottle & downed it. When I saw that, I swear you could see the metaphorical light bulb turn above my head turn on. I thought "Why have I NEVER even considered that?!?!" I see the commercials all the time, and I've used it before to keep my energy level up while driving or snowboarding, and it never occurred to be once that I could use that to stay awake after work. Doop-dee-durrrrr!!! (**smacks palm into forehead) It's soo obvious that I feel really stupid for not even thinking of it.

    It reminds me of when I realized that I could take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help with sore back, sore muscles, sore anything. I previously just used it when I was sick or had a fever. It was the same mindset, where I didn't even think of it before seeing someone else use it. I would just think "Man, my [whatever body part] still hurts. Hope the pain goes away soon...."

    So after work, I went to Target and got a a 6 pack of 5hr Energy, since I had a Groupon to burn. I get back to apartment, and what do I immediately do? Pass out on my bed for about 2 hours. COMPLETE FAIL!!